Welcome to Misty’s world

575510_525046244185450_91111049_nWelcome to the website of romance author Misty Rice. Here you will find more about her, and her upcoming stories, some stories that are currently published, the latest news, as well as ways to follow her social media. Also, you will be able to join her newsletter for special giveaways, cover reveals and more but be aware it is not a monthly deal it is a as needed newsletter for releases and limited time offers. Misty even has a special group on Facebook dedicated to her special flavor of realistic romance theme of stories she creates. As with this site and everything you are required to be 18+ to join.

Right now Misty Rice writes a variety of romance from dark romance, to bbw romance and never puts a filter on her style and is always expanding. She loves to hear feedback from her readers and always has an open ear to ideas for stories as you the readers know best what you would like to read. Feel free to browse the website and get to know Misty Rice and her writing and thinking methods.  If you want to join her newsletter feel free to join via this link: Misty Rice Newsletter